Experience At School
School has been fun for Thaddeus. Though it has been the same anthem sung every other day, "I don't want to go to school", same days he got off the car with tears [...]
First Day Of School
Last week was quite an interesting week for all of us. It was Thaddeus' first day of school. Thaddeus will be turning 4 this year and we have finally decided to start him [...]
Today: Craving for Likes and Followers
Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, with millions of users spending several hours on various platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, et cetera. However, the growing trend of [...]
Middle Child Syndrome
Middle child syndrome is a feeling of inadequacy and neglect that is experienced by those born in the middle of the family hierarchy. It is caused by a combination of factors, including the [...]
Absent Parent Syndrome: Why Some Teenagers Behave The Way They Are
Absent parent syndrome is a phenomenon that affects many teenagers. It is characterized by a lack of parental guidance or presence in the home, resulting in a feeling of unease and insecurity. Teenagers [...]
Calling Names
Younger Days School was fun! I'm sure it was for me... I hope it was, or is for you too. School days contributed a lot to our character formation which may have jump-started [...]
How To Manage Children Effectively
Hate No More I used to hate the lot of them. It's true. I used to get annoyed easily when there were children around me; the running around, the noise and sound, the [...]
What If
What If What if I could roll back time, What if I could undo the mistakes I made in my life, What if I have given a little bit more, What if I [...]